Soon trees will be in bloom. Over the past few years the Ash tree population has been decimated by the Emerald Ash Borer—an invasive beetle that lays its eggs in the bark crevices on Ash trees. In southeastern Wisconsin, almost everywhere you look, you will notice dead or dying Ash trees. If you’re not sure you have this problem with your Ash trees, here are a few signs to look for:
- Minimum/no foliage
- Large white patches on the bark
- Bark peeling/falling off
- Severe die-back of the upper branches
Once an Ash tree is infected, it will die in two to four years. It is important to have the tree removed before it becomes a danger. They can also become a large eye sore. Spring is the perfect time to inspect the Ash trees on your property. Here at Darryl’s Tree Service we give prompt free estimates, so if you have questions about any of the trees in your yard, give us a call and someone will come out quickly to give you a thorough assessment!